
High-level exoskeleton control formulated

Based on the meeting between JSI, UHEI and VUA in Amsterdam in October 2016 we formulated a high-level control architecture of the spinal exoskeleton. The architecture will be implemented as a multi-layered system with reactive and model based controllers to meet the necessary ergonomic requirements for LBP prevention and treatment.

Control framework of spinal exoskeleton

Exoskeleton Technology Brokerage and Pitching Event

Spexor and five other European research projects (AXO-SUIT, BALANCE, MovAiD, Robo-Mate, Symbitron) met in Amsterdam on November 28 to discuss advancements in exoskeleton technology in order to create synergies and generate new ideas for further developments and common implementation of results.

The event was organized by Common Exploitation Booster, a support service for facilitating exploitation of research results of ongoing Research and Innovation Projects under FP7 and H2020.

Two Workshops at IROS 2016

We co-organized two workshops at the 2016 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2016) that were held in Daejeon, Korea during October 9-14, 2016: